Wishes for Recovery from Surgery

“You have been through a lot lately, and you should know that you are loved. I wish you a speedy recovery, and I hope that you will be back to full strength in a short period of time.”

“Illness is never easy, but you have borne the afflictions that you have been given with dignity and class. Here is to a speedy recovery and increased health in the future.”

“When life gives you lemons, sometimes you have to make lemonade. You have made the best of a bad situation, and I hope that your recovery from surgery is quick, smooth and successful.”

“The only thing worse than seeing you cooped up on that operating room table is not seeing you at all. I am glad that the surgery went well, and I hope that your recovery can be even smoother.”

“I guess that we found your kryptonite huh Superman? Here’s to a speedy recovery that gets you leaping over tall buildings and doing other amazing feats soon.”

“When everyone told me that you were going in for surgery, the first question I had was why. Now I know. You kicked surgery’s butt! Have a speedy recovery.”

“While life is not always fair, I think that the gods chose the wrong person to inflict this type of pain on. You are going to beat this condition, and you are going to come out of it stronger than ever.”

“You faced your surgery with a courage and a grace that is rare to find these days. While you may feel pain and loss, remember that you have the strength and character to endure. May God bless you with a speedy recovery.”

“If I ever have to undergo a surgical procedure, please promise me that you will not let me wear that hideous hospital gown! All kidding aside, you bore the burdens of surgery spectacularly well, and I wish you a safe and speedy recovery.”

“While each surgical procedure is unique, you were the champion that you always are no matter the situation. Congratulations on a successful surgical procedure, and may your recovery be quick and relatively painless.”

“This surgical procedure is just a temporary bump in the road for someone who is as talented, hardworking and spectacular as you are. While the road to recovery may seem difficult, remember that you have friends and family in your corner who will help you overcome any of the adversities and trials that life can throw your way.”

“As you go through this difficult period in your life following surgery, I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that you are loved and supported. You will be in my prayers continually until you have recovered fully from the surgery that you recently had. I wish you a speedy and full recovery, and I am here for you now and forever.”

“When the doctor’s office called to say that you needed surgery, I thought that they were joking. When you came off of the operating table with a big smile on your face and that positive, can-do attitude of your’s, I knew that the joke was on the illness who thought it could beat you. You are an amazing person, and I wish you a speedy recovery and health in the future.”

“Surgeries are never an easy thing, but it is nice to know that we can take our bodies into the shop whenever we need a tune-up! I wish you nothing but a speedy and full recovery, and I hope that you are able to resume the activities that you love in a short period of time.”

“While we cannot control our destinies while in this mortal life, we are free to choose the way that we react to the sorrows and setbacks that we are dealt. May the Good Lord bless you with the strength, courage and stamina that you need to recover from the surgical procedure that you recently had. Remember, only you can wake up each morning and decide that today is going to be the next step on your road to a total recovery.”