Promotion Congratulations

You may not have always understood why
Others seemed to just sail on by
When all your hard work seemed overlooked
And no day off you ever took.

But now you can see just how much
Your efforts mean to the bosses and such.
Because like a runaway locomotive
You’ve really gained speed, and been promoted!

Overjoyed for your success!!

Over the past few years, you may have felt
Overlooked. And that all of your
Overtime went unnoticed, by those in positions
Over your own. But you worked so hard,
Over hill and
Over dale. And now you’re going
Over the top with your new promotion! We’re all
Overjoyed for your great success! And can’t wait to come
Over to your new office!

Work at the office is supposed to be serious,
But right here and right now we need to celebrate!
How you manage to do all you do is still mysterious,
And whether you’re part machine is still up for debate.
But all your hard work has truly come through,
And with responsibility and trust you’re clearly loaded.
The rest of us here couldn’t be more happy for you,
You truly deserve a big congrats on being promoted!

Working nine to five can be a bit of a drag
And some days may be such that they cause you to sag.
But you always seem to come in so upbeat
To a desk that’s tidy, in clothes clean and neat,
With an attitude of “let’s get this done” and “can do.”
And you’ve given me a great pep talk or two,
Helping me navigate this immense work-place ocean.
And no one is more deserving of a promotion!

Congratulations on your new title!

We know that you’re going to greater things
But we’re sure going to miss you around here.
This floor, this office, won’t be the same,
But none of us are going to shed one tear.

This promotion was given to one most deserving
Who works hard day in and day out.
In fact, if you hadn’t been the one to earn it
We’d have had to riot, scream, and shout!

But here you are, and there you’re going,
Up to a fancy new position, title, and office.
We know how hard you worked for this move,
And we’re so happy the bosses have noticed!

Congratulations on the promotion!

I may not know your job or your work life
But I know you well enough to be sure
That every ounce of work ethic and talent
Into each moment of this job you pour.

I can’t think of a single harder worker
Or one who is more astute, kind, and smart.
The way you manage your busy schedule
Truly is like a fine work of art!

So today let’s sit and celebrate,
Let’s have a toast, and raise a glass
To the promotion that you have earned
By working off your hardworking ass!

I want to welcome you to this team!
Working with you will be a dream!
I’ve heard so very much about you
And all the amazing work that you do.
Although you might be the new kid around,
We’ll help you get your feet on the ground.
This new positions couldn’t have gone
To one more deserving, because there’s none.

Congrats on the promotion, and welcome to the team!

First to arrive every single morning
And the very last to leave at night.
You do your job amazingly well,
Putting forth effort, power, and might.
It’s no wonder that the bosses picked you
To take on bigger responsibilities.
Nobody has the work ethic you do,
Nor the amazing working abilities.

Congratulations on the promotion!

This place would be like a bad episode
Of ‘The Office’ without you working here.
So, trust and believe me when I say
That your promotion deserves three cheers!


Moving upward and onward in your career
Is truly a marvelous thing to do.
And nobody is more deserving of that
Than little ol’ hard-working you!
You’re rising to the top of the ladder fast
And you deserve all the success you get
If you keep on rising up, and up, and up
You could take over the world, still yet!

Congratulations on a hard-earned promotion!