Graduation Wishes For Friend

You and I, pal, we’ve been through
Quite a lot together.
We have been through ups and downs,
And lots of storms we’ve weathered.
I have watched you go through a
Tremendous maturation.
And I couldn’t be more proud of you
Today at your graduation!

Happy Graduation To A Great Friend!

Friends like you are hard to find,
They’re a rarity nowadays.
And it breaks my heart to think
We might be parting ways.
But I know that there’s a bond
That will last forever.
Friendships like the one we’ve formed
Will not easily sever.
There’s so much success before you,
To see it I can’t wait!
And I will cheer extra loud
As you graduate!

Happy Graduation to you today,
Across that stage, you’d best sashay,
And then you’ll be well on your way
To success that’s here to stay!
But don’t let our friendship lay
On the ground, forgotten after today!

There’s so much that you have to learn
To become a graduate!
But there’s so much that you’ve taught
To me, and I’ve gladly learned it.
I can’t believe the things I’ve gained
From being your friend.
And I know you’ll keep teaching me
Right up to the very end!

I know you always said you looked up to me,
But there’s something in you that I wish you could see.
Because for all the inspiration or lessons you say
You have learned from me, you’ve sent just as much my way.
Today I don’t think I could possibly be more proud,
And I hope you hear my cheers for you above the crowd!

Congrats, Grad!

It’s a bittersweet moment when friends graduate.
It’s the turning of a page, a somewhat scary date.
It’s kind of a moment when you worry that your friend
Will move on and forget you, that it’ll be the end.
But I know that we have a bond that will not be torn,
No matter how many hats in our futures must be worn.
We will always have the memories and we’ll come back,
Because my life without you would be so dark and black.

Happy Graduation, Friend! Don’t Forget Me!

For my absolutely favorite smarty-pants grad,
I just have to say to you, you’re pretty darn rad!
You have taken so much in, the things you have learned!
That diploma, that degree, it sure was well earned!

From days of childhood, care free
You have been right beside me.
Now it seems as though that’s ending
As on your way, you we’re sending.
But I know greatness will come
Everywhere you go, and then some.
The love that I have for you
Others will surely feel, too.

Happy Graduation, And Best Of Luck!

Congratulations on this day of accomplishment.
Your graduation day is a great deal to celebrate.
It’s not every day that you get to wear regalia.
So don that mortar board and get ready to graduate!

Friendships and education are two things we should cherish,
And I got the best of both worlds as we learned together!
In the classroom we learned how to do math, science, and think.
Outside the classroom, heartbreaks and stress we learned to weather.
Now as you prepare to move on to the next step of life,
My love for you, every pore of my being will saturate.
I can’t wait to beam with pride as they call your name out loud,
It’s your day so stand in the spotlight as you graduate!

When I think of all the times
We goofed off in school.
I realize that our friendship
Really was pretty cool.
Going through the classes and
The ups and all the downs
With someone who knows how to
Make smiles from your frowns
Is a true blessing that many
Do not ever get,
So not one single moment
Will I ever forget.
Now the day has finally come
That all important date
The day that they will call your name
The day you graduate!
I sure hope that all the blessings
You deserve come true.
Nobody deserves success
Any more than you!

Happiest Graduation Day, Friend! Congratulations And Best Of Luck!