Birthday Wishes for Little Brother

Wishing a happy birthday to my younger brother and my best and truest friend. I may have been born before you in the race of cosmic time, but your impressive achievements in life and love have placed you solidly in the lead.

What are younger brothers for in this crazy world of ours? Some say they make you feel older as the years mount up. But your exuberance and vitality have always kept me feeling younger than I would otherwise have a right to feel.

Happy birthday, dearest younger brother. What a privilege it is for me to block many of life’s dangers for you, and to clear the way to opportunities. I lose count of the tackles and bruises, but I never tire of watching you shine.

Happy birthday wishes, younger brother. They say you can pick your friends but not your family. How fortunate I am to have been blessed with a brother who is more special to me than any of my favorite friends.

A younger brother can be a pain and embarrassment in our earliest youth, a welcome competition in the growing years, a friend and confidant as we mature, and a forgiving golf partner when we get old. Happy Birthday, younger brother.

I went off to high school glad to get away from you. Two years later you followed. I graduated and, as a show of independence, scraped up enough cash to purchase a beat up old jeep. You graduated and bought a luxury SUV. A few years later, I proudly purchased my first boat. You soon bought a bigger, flashier one. We both married our small town sweethearts not many years after university and started drifting far apart. Now we’re raising kids of our own, and I can’t see enough of you. Happy birthday, baby brother.

Best wishes to you on your birthday, brother. I was born two years before you came into our peaceful lives and turned my idyllic little world on its head. I have to say, that after all these subsequent years of inseparable and loving friendship, it was worth the trauma that you caused me way back when.

Hey, little brother. How did you get to be taller, smarter, richer and better looking than me? Which of us was left on the church steps in a basket soon after birth? In all seriousness, I wish you the happiest of birthdays. At least I know you’ll never catch up to me in years.

It’s nice when brothers can be best of friends. When I took you by the hand and led you off to your first day of school another lifetime ago, little did I realize how many times you would take me by the hand and help lead me through my darkest and most troubling times. I guess that’s what little brothers are made for. Happy birthday.

You weren’t there for my first bike ride, my first at bat, or my first drink. But I was there for yours. I was also there for a few of your other firsts that I’d rather not go into. So happy birthday, baby brother. May you celebrate a million more.

I hope that being my younger brother has been as rich and fulfilling for you as being your older brother has been for me. We have traveled many roads together, shared many burdens, and experienced great joys. Let’s hope the journey never ends. Happy birthday, brother. And don’t forget to say something nice when it comes time to return the favor.