Birthday Wishes for Colleagues

“Working with you is such a joy and I hope you are filled with joy on this special day. Happy birthday to a great coworker who makes coming to work so much better!”

“Happy birthday! It’s been such a pleasure working with you on a daily basis and I hope you can celebrate a birthday that is filled with happiness.”

“Having someone like you in my life is such a blessing. I have the highest hopes that you have the greatest birthday that gives you everything you could ever want. Happy birthday to a great person!”

“People like you are one of a kind. Here’s to celebrating your entrance in this world. I’m wishing you a very special birthday with nothing but the best!”

“Birthdays are a great time to reflect on all of our life. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I enjoy having you in my life. Happy birthday!”

“You’re an excellent companion to work with and I wish you an extra special day. Happy birthday to a great coworker. Here’s to having the best birthday!”

“Even though we sometimes forget, a birthday is a great time to slow down and think about all of the great people in our lives. You’re a great person in mine and I want you to have a great birthday!”

“Happy birthday to an awesome person! I love working with you and know that you deserve the most on your birthday.”

“Here’s to having the best birthday that is filled with everything you want. You deserve everything that you want. Happy birthday to a great colleague!”

“People like you are rare to come by, and I’m so glad that you’re in my life. I’d love to see you have a great birthday that is filled with happiness, joy and love! Happy birthday to you!”

“As we get older, we sometimes forget that are birthdays are a time to celebrate our lives. I hope that you take the time to celebrate on this special day of your life. Happy birthday!”

“Don’t forget to enjoy your birthday as much as you did when you were 5 years old. I’m wishing you a happy birthday that is filled with all the joy you could dream of!”

“Don’t let bad times get you down, celebrating your birthday is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself young!”

“Happy birthday to a person that keeps my life so interesting. I’m so glad I know you and that I have the opportunity to spend time with you.”

“I hope your birthday brings you everything that you wish for. Here’s to having a happy birthday that is filled with cake that won’t make you fat, presents that will mean something and love that will never go away!”

“I’m so glad that I have someone like you in my life and I can celebrate you during this special time in your life. Happy birthday to an awesome person who makes my life so much better!”

“You’re a great person who I love spending time with. I’m so happy that it’s your birthday. Here’s to having the perfect birthday and get everything you want!”

“Happy birthday to a one of a kind person that is always a an enjoyable coworker. Wishing you an awesome day and a perfect rest of your year!”

“Here’s to wishing you a very happy birthday! I hope that you have a great time and get everything that you’ve dreamed for. Happy birthday to you!”

“Having you as a coworker is like a breath of fresh air in this stuffy office. You certainly are appreciated around here. We hope you know it. Have a great birthday”!

“ Your birthday is the day that you get to be boss, so how about you give us the day off and we go party with you?”

“Some birthdays are more special than others. Sorry it’s a busy time here now and its hard to take the day off, but your work team appreciates it. We remember you today even though we don’t have time to celebrate but they’ll be time later! ‘Til then, wishes for a very happy birthday”.

“Human Resources called today and asked for you. We told them it was your birthday, so you went out to lunch. I took the opportunity to inquire your age, which I know you’re very protective about. They made no comment except that it was in the triple digits”.

“Thank you for the time you take to guide and support people here in our workplace. It goes beyond what’s required and does not go unnoticed. Your coworkers hope you can receive back some of that sunshine you put out today. Have a great birthday”!

“Your strong work ethic has inspired us also to push towards excellence in the workplace. Now, let our strong merriment tendencies tempt you into come out after work with us and party, won’t you? Happy Birthday”!

“We just wanted to let you know that we planned a birthday party for you today at lunchtime. You don’t mind answering the phones while we’re out, right?”

“Happy Birthday to someone who I consider to be an excellent professional and a great friend. You deserve all the happiness there is. Have a great day”!

“I’m really lucky to have you here working with me. This company make suck the life out of us, but you put it back in! Happy Birthday!”

“ Your birthday is not a day to recognize you for your achievements, although there have been many; it’s a day to simply appreciate you as a person. Our workplace is better with you in it. Have a great day. You deserve it!”

“We’re so glad to have you with us here at our workplace. You’re unique personality is patient and hilarious. It’s great to have you with us. You help in many small ways that often get overlooked. It might take us a while to notice, but we do. We hope you have a great birthday”!

“I hope you know how much I appreciate you as not only a coworker but also as a friend. Sometimes it’s a little tricky to balance professional and personal things but we found something that works. It sure does make coming to work every day easier to have someone like you there to talk with. I hope you have the best birthday ever!”

“ If there was one person at work that I could simply not go on without, it’s you. Why? You’re a star! You have a good attitude without being fake, you help pull the slack without complaining, and you can always be counted on not only to get things done, but to do them well. Happy Birthday”!

“It’s awesome to have you on our team. You help make us strong and steady. Now let us help get you a little tipsy after work for your happy birthday”!


“Most people just do their own thing here at work, but you’re different. You always seem to have enough enthusiasm and care enough to reach out to others. How do you do it? We’re so happy you’re with us another year and have a great birthday”!