Valentine’s Day Wishes for Girlfriend

I wish that sunny, golden rays
May come to your life
This Valentine’s Day!
I wish that all day long you will know
That there is one who loves you so.
That someone is me, my darling love,
And I pray God will bless us
From His throne above.
Love’s sweet, sweet rays
From my heart will go out
And assure you you’re loved
Without a doubt.

St. Valentine’s Day
Is a time for love
To be spoken and shown
From heart to heart.
My friend and my sweet heart
You have now become,
And I wish it to continue
Till life is done.

Every day is a day
“I love you” to say,
But none so appropriate
As St. Valentine’s Day!
I love you, I need you.
You are sweet in my thoughts.
I hope that you think of me
Also, and oft.
Often the time
That I’ve wished you to know
That my heart beats with love for you,
And I never want you to go.
Please stay around
And my companion and friend be.
Happy Valentine’s Day
From your boyfriend-
From me!

You have become very special
To me, and I want to say,
“I love you”
On this Valentine’s Day.
I wish life to be kind to you,
And I will be kind to you too.
I hope Heaven’s blessings
Will make every day new.
May happiness and contentment,
And all things good and sweet
Be yours now and always,
And let me repeat-
“I love you,”
My girlfriend.
I wish you the best.
May your Valentine’s Day
Be joyful and blest!

My valentine,
I wish to you
A day most blessed
And full of love.
I love you now
And always will;
When Valentine’s Day is over,
You will be my Valentine still!

This morning,
When you wake and rise
And look upon the sun-lit skies,
Remember my love for you
Rises and never sets.
I give you this card
So that I might say,
“Please be my Valentine
Today and for always.”
From your loving boyfriend
And constant friend.

May the love that I feel
For you
Be to you a known certainty.
May your wishes for the future
Soon become a reality.
May God grant you His love
And the knowledge of His constant care.
May the blessings that flow
From love given
And love received
Be yours today and every day.
May the sun shine brighter on you today,
And may the moon shine softer on you tonight.
May your heart sing songs of joy
With the sparrows,
And may your steps lead on and on
To an ever more God-blessed future.
May your Valentine’s Day
Be filled with all good things.
And may your heart, like an eagle,
Soar on its wings.
May no joy be out of reach
As your soul mounts higher and higher.
Mine will do the same,
If you will be my Valentine.
From your loving boyfriend.

I have given you this card
To tell you of my love.
I know you knew already.
But it’s a Valentine’s Day tradition,
To write it down in a card-
So, here!
I will take you out on the town
And show you a good time.
All the while
I will be thinking up
New Valentine’s Day rhymes!
I hope you won’t get embarrassed
If I test them on the waiter.
And if you don’t want all
The chocolate I gave you,
Then I can finish it off later.
I’m sorry the flower I gave you wilted,
But they were on sale three days before.
I hope you will be my Valentine
Many, many years more!

Happy Valentine’s
With all the trimmings!
This can be a day
Of new beginnings!
Maybe first hug?
Maybe first kiss?
I hope that I tread not too far
In asking you this?
But one thing it’s the first for.
Sure as anything, we can say
That it is the first time
You were my Valentine
On Valentine’s Day.
Thank you for the honor,
And though you’ve not been
My Valentine before,
I pray you will be thus
Many, many times more.