Quotes about good Times with Friends

“As we get older, the biggest things that we will remember are the times that we spent with our friends. The good times are always good and we always know how to make the best out of everything. Friends are often fleeting, but the memories we make with them will last for the rest of our lives. Memories with friends make up the majority of our memories.”

“Whether it was a good time out, a good time in or simply just a good time, a good time with friends is something to remember for the rest of your life. The friends may go, but the memories will stay.”

“Choosing to spend good times with friends is a great alternative to spending good times with other people. Friends allow you to be yourself while still having fun. Good friends are always there for you and all of the good times you spend with them will be some of the best times in your life. Good times with friends are the best times.”

“Spending good time with friends is a great way to keep you happy and young for the rest of your life. Friends are there for you in the bad times, but they’re also there to celebrate during the good times.”

“A good time with a friend is better than a good time with nearly anyone else. Have fun with your friends, enjoy their time and live everyday like you will be friends for the rest of your life. Choose to spend time with your friends and you will always have a good time.”

“Spending time with friends is a great way to have a good time without worrying about anything. Friends are there for you when you need them, there when you want to have fun and will always have your back. A good time with your friends will be something you can look back on and smile at for the rest of your life; it will be something that you will remember forever and will always help to make you feel happier no matter where you are.”

“Good friends and good times go hand in hand. A good friend will always be there for you when you’re having a good time (they’ll also be there when you’re having a bad time) to help make the good times better. Having good times with friends makes the good times so much better.”

“Choosing to have a good time with your friends instead of a good time with other people is one of the best decisions you can make. Friends are awesome and they will always be there for you no matter what.”

“A good time with your friends is better than a good time alone. Sharing special moments with special people is the key to a happy life and the more times you have like that with your friends, the happier you will be throughout your entire life.”

“If you have friends that will be there for you while you are having a good time, you can consider yourself a lucky person. Not many people will be there for their friends for their entire lives, but friends are something that can last a lifetime if both people know how to have a good time together.”

“When you find a friend that you know how to have a good time with, it is important to hold tightly onto that friend and make the most out of the friendship that you have. Friends that work together to make things work and can have a good time enjoying each others company will often be friends for their entire lives.”

“You can have a good time with a lot of people, you can have a good time with yourself and you can have good times with your friends. Good times with friends are probably some of the best times in your life and will be something that you can remember for years to come. Even if the friends are no longer with you, you will always have the memory of the good times in your head to look back on and help you feel happy.”