I love you Quotes for Husband

I never thought that I could love you more than I did on the day we said, “I do.” But looking back over all the years and memories, I realize that our wedding day was only the beginning. I love you more with each day, my darling husband.

You were first my crush, next my boyfriend, then my fiancé, and now and forever more my husband. I could not be happier to get to call you my husband for all the days of our lives. I love you with all of my heart and am so thankful we are together forever and ever.

My love, my life. I am eternally blessed that you are my husband. Thank you for always standing my side and forever remaining in my heart. All of my love belongs to you, my dear husband.

You are the man of my dreams and the father of our children. Few men in the whole world are as wonderful as you are. Sometimes I still cannot believe that I get to call you my husband for all of our days. I love you for the man that you are and the love that you give.

Every morning I get to wake up to see your smiling face. Every day I get to share and talk with you. Every night I get to fall asleep in your loving arms. Most of all, every minute I get to love you and be loved by you, my precious husband.

I love the way you make me laugh. I love the way you dry my tears. I love the way you care for me. I love what a wonderful husband you always are. I love everything you do and everything you are.

From the moment I first met you I knew you were someone special. How could I have ever known all that time ago, just how very much I would come to love and adore you? As we have walked down the road of life as husband and wife, I am eternally thankful you are my husband and continually falling more in love with you with each passing day.

How can one man be so kind, so sweet, so funny, so strong, so tender, and so smart? I may never know the answer to this question, but I do know how lucky I am that you are all mine forever. I am constantly amazed by the man you are and by the fact that I get to be your wife forever and always. I love you tremendously now and always.

Why do I love you so much? It is not because of the kind things you do for me (though I appreciate everything you do). It is not because of the sweet words you say (though I love hearing them). It is not because of all of your accomplishments (though I am so proud of you). It is because of the man you are inside and out. You are an incredible husband and incredible man.

Marriage is full of ups and downs. It is full of good times and hard times. It is full of laughter and tears. Through all the adventures of marriage, I cannot imagine being married to anyone to you. You are the husband of my dreams and I love you every day in every way.

Wherever I go, whatever I do, I am never happier than when we are together. I have no doubts that we belong together. I am so thankful that I get to be your wife and you are my precious husband. I love you more than words can say.

I cannot imagine life without you. I cannot remember life before you. You are the best part of me and the love of my life. I could not hope for a better husband. You have all of my love, my darling husband.