Congratulations To Employee On Promotion

You’ve worked so hard to be a success
Today that finally pays off
Soon you’ll be shopping for new things
At all of your favorite stores that you love.

As your boss I’m here to congratulate you
On a job that was truly well done
Enjoy your new promotion, you’ve earned it
But your work is still not done.

I’m not just your boss, I’m your friend
When I see an employee succeed, I smile
I’ve watched you help our company thrive
I hope you’ll stay with us more than awhile

As we grow and make the world a better place
We learn from each other and show devotion
I just want to congratulate one of my best employees
On their brand new promotion.

Hard work pays off in the end
That’s what I’ve always said
So it’s with great honor that I say to you
You’re a leader who has always led

Our organization to do bigger and better things
Throughout the world we live in
Enjoy your new promotion right now
And know you’ve got a boss who is a friend.

When you started your career journey
You didn’t know where the journey would lead
Now you’re celebrating a promotion today
Enjoying the way it feels to truly succeed

You are wonderful at everything you do
But this job is something you’ve truly mastered
I am so proud of you for all the work you do
I hope you enjoy your promotion now and after.

They say people are what they do
What you’ve done is master your job
You haven’t had to beg, borrow, or steal
You haven’t had to rob

To get where you’re going in life
To be the best at what you do
So I’m here to say congratulations on your promotion
I’m really proud of you.

As you become better at your new job position
Don’t lose sight of what makes you who you are
You’re great with people, you’re a hard worker always
At your job, you’re a superstar

That’s why when it came time for a promotion
They decided that it should be you
Who moves forward in your career
And masters every single thing they do.

You went to work at the bottom
Now you’re moving your way to the top
As you progress and get better each day
Remember to never take a moment to stop.

Continue to work your way through the ranks
Always progressing as you go
Congratulations on your big promotion
It couldn’t have happened to a better person I know.

Thank you for being a model employee
You’ve enriched the lives of all those who work with you
You’ve always been one of my best employees
And tackled everything I’ve given you to do.

I’m so happy to give you a big promotion
That will help you grow as an employee
But most of all, I’ve watched you grow as a person
And you’re a huge inspiration to me.