Wedding Wishes For Brother

Brother, thank you for giving me so good a sister as you have. Take care of her, and be well.

I know that the two of you will do great things in this world together. You are my brother, and a fine man; any person with whom you would share your life cannot help but be equally excellent, and two such people cannot help but make us all better for being.

We may have struggled as we grew up, yet now we stand together and are better for it. You and your love may struggle as you grow together, and you may struggle more than you and I ever did—but you will grow the closer for it.

Marriage is more than just the wedding. It is a union enduring, and of more than you and your love, but of your families—and you have made our family stronger.

It is no small thing to commit to living life with and for another. It takes courage to do it, and I am proud to have so brave a man as brother as you.

Brother, if life is a song, it is enriched by adding to its harmony, and that harmony needs more voices. Sing well with your love, sing so we can hear it and delight in the chorus you and your love make together.

Brother, if life is a dance, it is a dance best danced with another. You and your love cut a fine figure together already; it will be good to see you learn one another’s steps through the years. Show us how to get down and boogie!

Brother, you and I have seen each other at our worst. Now I have seen you at what has been your best yet—but I think the best you will ever be has yet to be seen. Your love brings it out in you, and you in your love. The example enriches us all.

We have shared good times, brother, and we have shared times less good. And now I have gotten to share with you the joy of finding love and confirming it for all to see. I am sure there will be better yet—but what a thing to have to try to top!

I cannot be happier as a brother than I am to see you so happy now as you wed. Be brave in your new life together, for there will be challenges, but you will overcome them.

Dear sister, I have always been glad to have you as a sister; you have always been on my side, and I thank you for it. I thank you now that you have given me a new brother, as well, and I look forward to seeing you grow together as we grow together through the years.

Know that I love you, and that I will love as a sibling the love of your life, now and always.