New Job Wishes for Boss

“You’ve been an amazing boss at your time with this company and I’m sure you’ll do great at your new job! I wish you the best and know that you will be completely successful.”

“After seeing all of the hard work that you’ve done with us, I am completely confident that you will excel at your new job. I wish you the best in everything that you do and hope you’re new job is wonderful.”

“Here’s to wishing you a successful new job and career. I know you’re a hard worker and can accomplish anything that you want. You’ll be great at your new job.”

“Although we’ll miss you here, I’m sure you will make a huge impact on everyone at your new job. Wishing you the best and most successful time at this new point in your life.”

“Starting a new job is an amazing step to take in life and we’re so happy to see you begin a new part of life. While we will miss you here, you’ll be excellent at everything you do!”

“As a boss, you’ve been wonderful. As a person, you’re amazing and I’m sure that you’ll be just as awesome at your new job. Wishing you the best during this new journey!”

“Choosing a new job is not an easy feat and we are so happy that you’ve made this choice. While we will miss having you here as our boss, you’ll make an excellent addition to anywhere you go.”

“You’ve been such a wonderful inspiration to everyone at this company and we are so happy that we’ve had you as a boss. I’m sure everyone at your new company will love you as much as we do!”

“You’re such a wonderful person that we know you will succeed in anything that you do. We’re wishing you the best during your new job and new life. Good luck!”

“Having a boss like you was such a wonderful experience for so many of us. I hope you make the impression on your new company that you’ve made on this one. Wishing you all the best!”

“You’ve been a wonderful boss and a wonderful friend to have in this company. We’re so happy we had this time with you and we wish you all of the best and happiness in your new job!”

“It is so inspiring to see you moving on to bigger and better things. You’ve been wonderful as a boss and we know that you’ll be wonderful at your new job!”

“Although you will be greatly missed at this company, we hope that you have a great time and a successful career through all of your new journeys. Congratulations and good luck at your new job!”

“You’re such a hard worker that dedicates so much time and effort into everything you do. I am so confident in your abilities that I know you will make the best employee that your new company has ever had.”

“Losing someone like you is going to be hard for this company, but we know your new job will enjoy you just as much as we have. Best of luck to you on your new journey!”

“It’s so exciting to see you move on to a better job. You’ve done so wonderfully with all of us and sure you will have the same impression on all of your new employees.”

“A boss like you is something that every person wants when they work for a company. Your new company should be so happy to have someone like you joining their team.”

“Despite the fact that you’re my boss, you’ve been such a good friend and ally to have during your time with this company. I’m so happy to see you getting a new job and I know you will do great!”

“You’re an amazing boss and a wonderful person. I hope that you have as much success with your new company as you’ve had with us. It’s sad to see you go, but inspiring to see you move on.”

“I hope that you have the best of luck at your new company. It is a great new journey to begin!”