Graduation Wishes for Brother

“I have enjoyed every minute of watching you grow up and I’m proud to see you graduate! I couldn’t be happier for you. Congratulations to my graduate brother!”

“There comes a point in everyone’s life when things turn into drastic changes. I’m wishing you the best of luck in this next step of life. Congratulations on your graduation.”

“You’re the best brother that anyone could ask for and I’m so proud to see you graduating. I wish the best for you on this new journey and congratulations.”

“Seeing family do such big things is an inspiration and motivation to everyone else in the family. Congratulations, brother, for graduating and moving on to a new step in your life. I wish you all the best!”

“Graduating is a huge step that I’m so proud to see you take. I couldn’t be happier for you and more excited to see all of your hard work pay off!”

“Graduation is a special time in life when one chapter to the book closes and another begins to open. Congratulations on your graduation.”

“You’re a wonderful young man and I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. I’m so excited to see you graduate and move on to a new step in your life. Congratulations!”

“As a brother you’re the best, as a student you were the best and as a graduate I know you will be the best that there is. Congratulations on graduation!”

“I’m so proud to call you my brother. You’ve accomplished so much through your hard work and dedication. Congratulations on graduating. Can’t wait to see what you do with the rest of your life.”

“Although many people make it seem like it is, graduating is not an easy task or step to take. You’ve worked so hard to get where you are in life and I’m so excited to see where the rest of your life will take you. Congratulations!”

“You are a wonderful person and I’m so happy to see that you are graduating. You may not be living the dream yet, but you are on your way. I always knew that you would be able to accomplish as much as you have and I’m so proud to say that you are my brother. Congratulations and best of luck to you in whatever journeys await!”

“A graduation is a special time in a man’s life where he takes one giant leap out of boyhood. I’m so proud of the man that you’ve become and I’m so happy to watch you through this journey. Congratulations!”

“Seeing you graduate makes me know that you have made good decisions, dedicated time and worked hard. I’m so proud that you are graduating. Congratulations!”

“There aren’t many feelings that are as good as seeing someone you love so dearly completing something that means so much. I always knew that you would do big things and I’m so proud of you. Congratulations on graduating!”

“A brother is a friend for life and I’m so happy to be with you during this time in your life. You’ve accomplished so much and have so much more to go. Congratulations on graduating.”

“There are a few times in life when we get to be happy for the ones we love more than we are for ourselves. This is one of those times and I couldn’t be happier to see you graduate. Congratulations!”

“You’ve finally did it! Congratulations to the best brother and completing a huge step of life. Graduating is so important and I couldn’t be more proud of you”

“Throughout my life, you’ve been the best brother I could ask for. I’m so happy to see that you are graduating and so proud of everything that you’ve accomplished. I wish the best for you, congratulations!”

“You’re an inspiration to me. I wish I could be the type of brother that you are. Congratulations on graduating. I cannot wait to see where this takes you in life and all of the things that you will accomplish.”

“Graduating is the first of many steps I will see you accomplish throughout your life. I’m so happy to call you my brother and so proud to see you graduate!”